Transfers files to and from a remote computer running the TFTP service. TFTP [-i] host [GET | PUT] source [destination] -i Specifies binary image transfer mode (also called octet). In binary image mode the file is moved literally, byte by byte. Use this mode when transferring binary files. host Specifies the local or remote host. GET Transfers the file destination on the remote host to the file source on the local host. PUT Transfers the file source on the local host to the file destination on the remote host. source Specifies the file to transfer. destination Specifies where to transfer the file.
Transferring operations master roles owned by this Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance in directory ...
Transferring the data remaining in the directory partition %1 to another Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services ...
Transfers files in the background using idle network bandwidth. If the service is disabled, then any applications that depend ...
Transfers files to and from a computer running an FTP server service (sometimes called a daemon). Ftp can be used interactively. ...
Transfers files to and from a remote computer running the TFTP service. TFTP -i host GET | PUT source destination -i Specifies ...
Transition Faults/sec is the rate at which page faults are resolved by recovering pages that were being used by another process ...
Transition Pages RePurposed is the rate at which the number of transition cache pages were reused for a different purpose. ...
TransitioningToState indicates the target state to which the instance is transitioning. A value of 5 \"No Change\" shall ...
Transitive If client computers are configured to take advantage of transitive trusts, the trust is bounded by the domain ...