This file is open for modification in an unresolved transaction and may be opened for execute only by a transacted reader.
This file is in a location outside your local network. Files from locations you don't recognize can harm your PC. Only run ...
This file is in a location outside your local network. Files from locations you don't recognize can harm your PC. Only save ...
This file is not one of the supported file types, which include .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg and .dib. Please close this dialog and ...
This file is not one of the supported file types, which include .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, and .dib. Please close this dialog and ...
This file is open for modification in an unresolved transaction and may be opened for execute only by a transacted reader. ...
This file management job is deprecated. Please check the configuration of the file management job and verify that it is up-to-date. ...
This file might be in use or the file name might not be valid. Close any open programs, check the file name, and try again. ...
This file might not be the right file type, or it might be corrupted. Please try another copy of the file or open a different ...
This file was blocked because it does not have a valid digital signature that verifies its publisher. What is a digital signature? ...