Unable to create a constant value of type '{0}'. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context.
Unable to cast COM object of type '%2' to standard managed interface type '%3'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface ...
Unable to connect to SQL Server session database. The connection string (server='{1}', database='{2}') was returned by an ...
Unable to connect to the Microsoft SQL Everywhere Service using the specified connection string. Make sure that Microsoft ...
Unable to create a bi-directional (request-reply or duplex) channel for security negotiation. Please ensure that the binding ...
Unable to create a constant value of type '{0}'. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context. ...
Unable to create a null constant value of type '{0}'. Only entity types, enumeration types or primitive types are supported ...
Unable to create a valid identifier to refer to resource '{0}'. Please rename the resource to something more appropriate ...
Unable to create an instance of the Metadata view '{0}' because a constructor could not be selected. Ensure that the type ...
Unable to create an Instance of the Metadata view '{0}' because the exporter exported the metadata for the item '{1}' with ...