Examples: To find all groups in a given OU whose names start with "adm" and display their descriptions. dsquery group ou=Test,dc=microsoft,dc=com ...

Examples: To find all groups in a given OU whose names start with "adm" and display their descriptions.      dsquery group ou=Test,dc=microsoft,dc=com -name adm* |      dsget group -desc  To display the list of members, recursively expanded, of the group "Backup Operators":      dsget group "CN=Backup Operators,ou=Test,dc=microsoft,dc=com" -members     -expand  To display the effective quota and quota used for a group on a specified partition, type:      dsget group "CN=Backup Operators,OU=Test,DC=microsoft,DC=com"     -part "CN=domain1,dc=microsoft,dc=Com" -qlimit -qused