PowerPivot: The SQL Server Analysis Services (PowerPivot) service account information that is managed by SQL Server Configuration Manager is different from the account information that is managed by SharePoint Central Administration.
PowerPivot query and data refresh processing operations are resource intensive. Consider adding memory to the server or allocating ...
PowerPivot query and data refresh processing operations are resource intensive. To bring overall CPU usage down to an acceptable ...
PowerPivot: Make sure that farm solution is up-to-date. For more information about this rule, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=208180 ...
PowerPivot: The Analysis Services instance runs in tabular mode, but the configuration setting that specifies this mode is ...
PowerPivot: The SQL Server Analysis Services (PowerPivot) service account information that is managed by SQL Server Configuration ...
PowerPivot: Verify that the setting is set to 1 in the msmdsrv.ini file in the \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS10_50.PowerPivot\OLAP\Config ...
PowerPivot: Verify that The SQL Server Analysis Services (PowerPivot) service account information that is managed by SQL ...
Prediction join query is not valid because the ON clause joins a scalar input column to the '%{modelcol/}' table mining model ...
Prediction join query is not valid because the ON clause joins a table input column to the '%{modelcol/}' scalar mining model ...