%1!s! [component = ] component [state = ] ENABLED|DISABLED Enables or disables extended tracing for the given component. component - the component (use '*' to denote all components)
s! (%1!s!) is online but isn't responding to connection attempts. The remote computer isn't responding to connections on ...
s! answerfile = answerfile Repairs the installation of all Remote Access components. answerfile - the answerfile name. If ...
s! can't open while File Explorer is running with administrator privileges. Restart File Explorer normally and try again. ...
s! component = component Shows whether tracing for the given component is enabled. If no component is specified, shows the ...
s! component = component state = ENABLED|DISABLED Enables or disables extended tracing for the given component. component ...
s! component = component state = ENABLED|DISABLED Enables or disables extended tracing for the given component. component ...
s! confstate= ENABLED|DISABLED Sets the configuration state of the server. confstate - The new state of the server : ENABLED ...
s! connection offload statistics queried from the interface - TCP Segments Received : %2!s! TCP Segments Sent : %3!s! Offloaded ...
s! Converts a trace file to an HTML report. Usage: convert input=]tracefilename.etl output=]filename dump=]CSV|XML|EVTX|TXT|No ...