Drive|%s Description|%s Media Loaded|%b Media Type|%v Name|%s Manufacturer|%s Status|%v Transfer Rate|%0.2f kbytes/sec SCSI Target ID|%s PNP Device ID|%s
Drivers for %2 device(s) were successfully uninstalled while migrating a Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) device, including ...
Drivers for %2 device(s) were successfully uninstalled while migrating a Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) device, including ...
Drives %2!s! were updated successfully. Drive(s) %1!s! could not be updated. Try again by removing the drive and re-inserting ...
Drives hosting data for virtual disk %1 have failed or are missing. As a result, no copy of data is available. Return Code: ...
Drive|%s Description|%s Media Loaded|%b Media Type|%v Name|%s Manufacturer|%s Status|%v Transfer Rate|%0.2f kbytes/sec SCSI ...
DrvLoad: Please ensure that cmiv2.dll is available and has been registered. Run the following command to register it: regsvr32 ...
DS Security Descriptor Propagations Events is the number of Security Descriptor Propagation Events that are queued but not ...
DS Threads in Use is the current number of threads in use by the directory service (different than the number of threads ...
DSA_LIST = { | | | site: | gc: | nc: | pnc: | mnc: | fsmo_ : } Examples: "*" = All DSAs in the enterprise/forest/configuration ...