As part of updating a message (MID=%1) in a folder (FID=%2) of database '%3', %4 search folder links were also updated (and completed with error=%5). Such an excessive number of links may lead to or be the cause of performance issues. These links should be investigated further to determine whether they are truly valid and expected.
As a best practice, enable Kerberos authentication for SMTP message transfer between cluster server {2} and other Exchange ...
As a best practice, the size of the 'Application' log on server {2} should be increased. The current size is {9}MB. For servers ...
As many of the queued messages share the same destinations, the tool will focus on the destinations that occurred frequently ...
As part of the Hub Transport server installation, a default accepted domain is created as an authoritative domain for the ...
As part of updating a message (MID=%1) in a folder (FID=%2) of database '%3', %4 search folder links were also updated (and ...
As part of updating a message (MID=%1) in a folder (FID=%2) of database '%3', %4 search folder links were also updated (and ...
Assigned tasks cannot be modified using Microsoft Outlook Web Access. To modify an assigned task, use a different program, ...
Associate this connector with the following Hub Transport servers. Alternatively, you can add Edge Subscriptions to this ...
Async RPC Requests Peak is the maximum number of asynchronous requests that were processed simultaneously by the information ...