Analysis Services Data Source
Create a data source that connects to cube data in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services.
An update is available on the Microsoft Download Center for this social network provider: . Click here to download the update. ...
An XML error has occurred. Please correct the problem and try again. Click the Details button for a more specific description ...
An XML expansion pack is currently not attached to this document. You can add a solution by selecting Document Template on ...
An xy (scatter) chart shows either the relationship among the numeric values in several data series, or plots two groups ...
Analysis Services Data Source Create a data source that connects to cube data in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services. ...
ancestor-or-self::*" selects all the element ancestors of the context node, including the context node. "ancestor-or-self::author" ...
ancestor::*" selects all the element ancestors of the context node. "ancestor::author" selects all the "author" element ancestors ...
and choose the item. You can specify the item in the tool pane or choose to retrive the item from either the URL or another ...
Animation changes Other authors have made animation changes which cannot be merged. Choose between your slide or all changes ...