Could not get the group hierarchy of the device because of the following reason {0}. Resolve the issue causing the error, and then retry the operation.
Could not find the registry key for the RFID service expiry date. Try restarting the Microsoft BizTalk RFID service. If this ...
Could not find the RFID store {1} in the server {0}. Check if the database was created successfully. If the database does ...
Could not get detail records for this aggregate. Make sure that permissions to obtain drillthrough records are set properly ...
Could not get sub key names for key 2]. { System error 3].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact ...
Could not get the group hierarchy of the device because of the following reason {0}. Resolve the issue causing the error, ...
Could not get timely response from the Runtime. BizTalk Server may be busy processing other requests. Make sure BizTalk Service ...
Could not get value names for key 2]. { System error 3].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact ...
Could not grant permission for Notification Service user on SQL server "{0}" to notification services extended stored procedures: ...
Could not increase the available registry space. 2 KB of free registry space is required for the installation of this application. ...