-- Flip the paper over so that the printed fold lines are facing down. -- First fold forward, crease and open back up along both diagonal lines. Also fold back on the horizontal line and reopen. -- Then pull and tuck the folds together as shown in the first two drawings. -- Now fold the corners of the each triangle up, almost to the center line. -- Fold the nose of the plane back. -- Fold up along the center line and then fold down each wing. --Throw gently for distance...throw hard and up for overhead loops!
Flags indicator, qualitative - three flags of the same size distinguished by color, large. This indicator style is used to ...
Flags indicator, qualitative - three flags of the same size distinguished by color, medium. This indicator style is used ...
Flat views of this large list are likely to be slow. You should consider using an indexed column to improve view performance ...
Flip the paper over so that the printed fold lines are facing down. - First fold forward, crease and open back up along both ...
Flip the paper over so that the printed fold lines are facing down. - First fold forward, crease and open back up along both ...
Flip the paper over so that the printed fold lines are facing down. - Fold the corners up along the outside fold lines and ...
Flip the paper over so that the printed fold lines are facing down. - Turn the corners back to the outside fold lines and ...
Folder '%s' data was deleted because it was not synchronized with Microsoft Exchange for more than %d days. All items that ...
Folder-based retention settings can not be configured for Document Sets. To configure settings for a Document Set, go to ...