Witness Client failed to obtain the list of Witness Servers from IP address %1 with error (%2). This event may be suppressed for this resource for the next 12 hours if the condition persists.
Without these updates, Windows might not install properly and your computer might be more vulnerable to security threats. ...
Witness Client failed to connect to the witness server at IP address %1 with error (%2). This event may be suppressed for ...
Witness Client failed to find a Witness Server for NetName \%1 with error (%2). Retrying in (%3) seconds. This event may ...
Witness Client failed to find a Witness Server for \%1\%2 with error (%3). Retrying in (%4) seconds. This event may be suppressed ...
Witness Client failed to obtain the list of Witness Servers from IP address %1 with error (%2). This event may be suppressed ...
Witness deregistration has completed. Status: %1 Cluster share name: %4 Cluster share type: %2 Guidance: The client successfully ...
Witness registration has completed. Status: %1 Cluster share name: %4 Cluster share type: %2 File server cluster address: ...
WLAN AutoConfig service failed to connect to a wireless network. Network Adapter: %2 Interface GUID: %1 Connection Mode: ...
WLAN AutoConfig service has failed to start the hosted network. Error Code: %2 Error Message: %3 Interface GUID: %1 SSID: ...