The database must be converted before you can use it with this version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic./n/nIf you convert the database, older versions cannot open it./n/nWe recommend that you:/n/n* Make a database backup before the conversion./n* Are the only user working with the database during the conversion./n* Have at least 50 MB of free space in the database./n/nClick OK to convert the database, or click Cancel to exit.
The database conversion was successfully completed./n/nTo update the security system, on the Tools menu, click Security, ...
The database files are not compatible./n/nThe time stamps are not the same. One or more of the files has been used later ...
The database has been updated successfully. You can now work in this database.\ \You must repeat the entire update procedure ...
The database must be converted before you can use it with this version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic./n/nClear the read-only ...
The database must be converted before you can use it with this version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic./n/nIf you convert ...
The date formula '%10' should include a time unit./n/nTime units can be: D,WD,W,M,Q, or Y./nC, meaning current time unit ...
The date in this field determines if and when G/L accounts can be deleted. If you enter a date in this field, G/L accounts ...
The Developer Environment option installs both clients and all developer tools for implementing a Microsoft Dynamics NAV ...
The device %1 %2, which is connected to the system, is not functioning./n/nVerify that it is installed and connected, turned ...