When you click Design and choose a new Theme, the pictures, charts, and SmartArt graphics change to match your new theme.
We're sorry but this feature appears to be broken and needs to be repaired. Use the Programs and Features option in the Windows ...
We're sorry, the author of this document has set permissions that don't allow the content to be re-used in other applications.(|0) ...
Web browsers display alternative text while pictures are loading or if they are missing. Web search engines use alternative ...
Welcome to full screen reading view, which is the default view when you open e-mail message attachments and documents stored ...
When you click Design and choose a new Theme, the pictures, charts, and SmartArt graphics change to match your new theme. ...
When you convert this drawing object to a frame, some of the drawing object's formatting may be lost. Do you want to continue? ...
When you double-click a button on the Drawing toolbar, the button remains active until you click another button or begin ...
While you'll get to use all the new features in Word, some minor layout changes are possible. If you prefer not to upgrade, ...
will automatically save the subdocuments to new files in the same file format as the master document. The original versions ...