drain- Disable NEW traffic handling on the [ ] specified cluster for the rule whose port range contains the specified port. queryport [ : | ALL:] - Retrieve the current state of the [ ] port rule. If no virtual IP address is specified, "ALL" is assumed. If the rule is handling traffic, packet handling statistics are also returned. params [ | ALL] - Retrieve the current parameters from the NLB driver for the specified cluster on the local host. [ : | ALL:]( | ALL) - Specific load balanced IP address or use "ALL" to apply to all load balanced IP addresses. Specific to identify the port rule or "ALL". Valid port range: 0-65535. [: ] [GLOBAL] - Specific on the local machine, or on the remote . If GLOBAL is specified, then applies to all members of the cluster. If is not specified, then applies to all cluster instances on the local host.
Drag the mouse pointer to draw a rectangle around the eye you want to fix. To pan while zoomed in, press ALT and then drag. ...
Drag the playback indicator on the timeline to an empty point on the Audio/Music track, click Start Narration, and begin ...
Drag this window to the display you want to configure and use either the slider or the number value to make the circle round ...
Dragon NaturallySpeaking has a known compatibility issue with this version of Windows and might not run as expected. This ...
drain - Disable NEW traffic handling on the specified cluster for the rule whose port range contains the specified port. ...
DRC Reply Present is the number of duplicate requests whose replies existed in the Duplicate Request Cache at packet receipt. ...
Drive %c: does not have enough free space for the maximum paging file size specified. If you continue with this setting, ...
Drive %s has only %d MB of free disk space. To prevent information loss and performance problems, you need to free up disk ...
Drive cleaning for this library is not handled by the service. Please consult the device's user manual to perform this operation. ...