deployupdate Update a model version by deploying a model package. Usage: MDSModelDeploy deployupdate -package -version -service ...

    Update a model version by deploying a model package.


MDSModelDeploy deployupdate
[-version ]
[-service ]

-package :
    The file name of the package to deploy

-version :
    If the package contains master data, specifies the target version to be updated.

-service :
    Specifies the service name to connect to.
    This parameter is required if there are multiple instances of {0} installed.
    Use the "MDSModelDeploy listservices" command to list the available service instances.

All names that contain spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks.


1. Deploy the model contained in samplemodel.pkg (which contains no data) to service "MDS Website"

MDSModelDeploy deployupdate -package samplemodel.pkg -service "MDS Website"

2. Deploy the model contained in samplemodel.pkg and update the master data in "Version 1" of the model.

MDSModelDeploy deployupdate -package samplemodel.pkg -version "Version 1"