The health service received a credential from management group %1 to run a task with, but the credential has a blank password and has been rejected for security purposes. The account name has been withheld, also for security purposes.
The health service has removed some items from the send queue for management group "%1" since it exceeded the maximum allowed ...
The health service on %1 is attempting to communicate with a management group that does not exist on this server. The management ...
The health service on %1 is attempting to communicate with a management group that does not exist on this server. The management ...
The Health Service only supports running as the local system user account. The service was configured to run under a different ...
The health service received a credential from management group %1 to run a task with, but the credential has a blank password ...
The health service received a credential from management group %1 to run a task with, but the credential has a blank password ...
The Health Service received a malformed data item. The origin of the item could not be determined. Multiple occurrences of ...
The Health Service received a malformed data item. The origin of the item could not be determined. Multiple occurrences of ...
The Health Service received a malformed data item. This item was received on management group %2 from health service %1. ...