Exchange server {0} is installed on a global catalog server. Installing Exchange on a global catalog server isn't recommended.
Exchange Server Setup (exsetup.exe) was terminated with a control-break. The installation may now be in an inconsistent state. ...
Exchange server will automatically check online for solutions when encountering errors and provide usage feedback to Microsoft ...
Exchange server {0} is a virtual machine but the additional tools aren't installed. This configuration isn't supported. Install ...
Exchange server {0} is installed on a domain controller, but not a global catalog server. This is not a supported configuration ...
Exchange server {0} is installed on a global catalog server. Installing Exchange on a global catalog server isn't recommended. ...
Exchange server {2} appears to be running as a virtual machine. Please review the system requirements detailed at http:/ ...
Exchange server {2} belongs to Active Directory site '{3}', but Directory Service Access (DSAccess) is using domain controller ...
Exchange server {2} belongs to Active Directory site '{3}', but Directory Service Access (DSAccess) is using global catalog ...
Exchange server {2} has /3GB set in the Boot.ini file. If this is a dedicated routing or bridgehead server, better performance ...