Offline database file(s) have been overwritten while being reverted to online state from a database snapshot. The reverted file might contain invalid pages. Please run database consistency checks to assess the data integrity.
Occurs when you use a feature that will be removed from the next major release of SQL Server. For greatest longevity of your ...
ODBCBCP.dll is not compatible with 'SQL Server Native Client' driver. Please configure 'SQL Server' driver for the DSN or ...
of (randomly picked) input data will be copied in a new spreadsheet for training set. The remaining {1}% will be copied in ...
of (randomly picked) input data will be copied in a new spreadsheet, labeled "{1}". The remaining {2}% will be copied in ...
Offline database file(s) have been overwritten while being reverted to online state from a database snapshot. The reverted ...
Old style RAISERROR (Format: RAISERROR integer string) will be removed in the next version of SQL Server. Avoid using this ...
OLE DB or ODBC Subscribers cannot subscribe to article '%1!s!' in publication '%2!s!' because the article has a timestamp ...
OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" returned "%3!s!" with data type "%4!s!", which should be type "%5!s!". ...
OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supported the schema lock interface, but returned "%3!s!" for "%4!s!". ...