{0} {1} -{2}:-{3}: [ -{4}: ] [ -{5}: ] Disables a reference to another distributed BAM Primary Import database. The target server can also be a SQL Server instance, for example, '{6}'. - EXAMPLES - {7}
DialogTitle setup was interrupted before the software was fully installed. You can rerun this installation at another time ...
Did not find a connection to server {0}. Verify whether the name of this server is in the list passed to the RfidConnector.Initialize() ...
Did not find a sink event handler for process {0} that is configured for chronological reads. Verify whether the process ...
Did not find a valid DeviceProvider implementation in assembly {0}. Verify whether a DeviceProvider implementation exists ...
Disables a reference to another distributed BAM Primary Import database. The target server can also be a SQL Server instance, ...
Display format string of the vocabulary definition. Argument placeholders are denoted by {n} where n is the argument position. ...
Displays short fields on a row above a field with multiple lines of text. This style is good for displaying items with multiple ...
Displays short fields on a row above a field with multiple lines of text. This style is good for displaying items with multiple ...
Disposing event handler %2 took more time than expected for process %1. Consider increasing the Maximum Component Initialization ...