Cannot update the category on a credit card expense that has been split into multiple expenses. Please delete the split expenses from the Expenses form before attempting to change the category here.
Cannot start the data upgrade process because there are active sessions to the tenant database. You must make sure that there ...
Cannot start the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook Configuration Wizard because the configuration file {0} is not valid. ...
Cannot synchronize the extension because no synchronized extension could be found to satisfy the dependency definition for ...
Cannot synchronize the extension {0} because the tenant database and the application database are not synchronized. You must ...
Cannot update the category on a credit card expense that has been split into multiple expenses. Please delete the split expenses ...
Cannot update the navigation category record (Name=%1): cannot be changed from non-alias to alias since another node (Name=%2, ...
Cannot update the navigation category record (Name=%1): its SharedData cannot be changed (old: %2, new: %3) since this node ...
Cannot upgrade the extension '{0}' because its version must be newer than the current version. The current version is '{1}' ...
Cannot upgrade the extension {0} because another service is currently modifying the state of extensions on the tenant {1}. ...