A list or document library cannot be copied, renamed, or moved to the specified location, "%1!.200s!", because it would overwrite an existing list or document library of the same name, which is not allowed.
A list of people your team works with, like customers or partners. Contacts lists can synchronize with Microsoft Outlook ...
A list of questions which you would like to have people answer. Surveys allow you to quickly create questions and view graphical ...
A list of suggested people is offered based on your e-mail and IM communication patterns. To prevent a person from being ...
A list of suggested people is offered based on your e-mail and IM communication patterns. To prevent a person from being ...
A list or document library cannot be copied, renamed, or moved to the specified location, "%1!.200s!", because it would overwrite ...
A list or library cannot have the same name as another list or library in this site. Please enter a name that is not already ...
A list separator character is used to separate elements in a list. The character you use is controlled from the Clock, Language, ...
A list separator character that is used is not consistent with the list separator characters defined for the Regional Options. ...
A list, survey, discussion board, or document library with the specified title already exists in this Web site. Please choose ...