This message has been rejected by the Exchange organization to which it was sent, because the message contains either a large number of attachments or because there are too many nested attachments. To solve this problem, reduce the number of attachments or nested attachments, and resend the message.
This Managed folder cannot be designated as the destination of the move operation. Doing so will create a loop that will ...
This meeting request is out of date and has been deleted. Please check your Inbox and respond to the most recent meeting ...
This message exceeds the maximum message size allowed. Microsoft Exchange will not try to redeliver this message for you. ...
This message has been rejected by the Exchange organization to which it was sent because the message was encoded using the ...
This message has been rejected by the Exchange organization to which it was sent, because the message contains either a large ...
This message has too many recipients. Microsoft Exchange will not try to redeliver this message for you. Please try resending ...
This message is currently being scanned for viruses and cannot be opened. Try again in a few moments or contact technical ...
This message is either a request for legal advice from an attorney or a response by an attorney to a request for legal advice. ...
This message is larger than the current system limit or the recipient's mailbox is full. Create a shorter message body or ...