Currently, this hardware device is not connected to the computer.%s To fix this problem, reconnect this hardware device to the computer.
Current state of object reporting this state change. The value returned is one of the state constants for the cluster object ...
Currently the archived data is being displayed. To switch to the current view, save this console and close this snapin. Then ...
Currently, a password is not required for the local Administrator account. We recommend that you use the net user command-line ...
Currently, the local Administrator password is blank, which might lead to security issues. We recommend that you press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, ...
Currently, this hardware device is not connected to the computer.%s To fix this problem, reconnect this hardware device to ...
CurrentPasswords is an array (bag) containing the currently defined passwords for the modem. This array may be left blank ...
CurrentProfile' cannot be used when configuring a GPO store. Use 'DomainProfile', 'PrivateProfile', 'PublicProfile', or 'AllProfiles' ...
CurrentTimeZone indicates the number of minutes the operating system is offset from Greenwich Mean Time. Either the number ...
Custom actions perform additional configuration tasks on client computers. You can designate each custom action to run at ...