You have loaded {0} members into the worksheet. It might take a long time to apply a changeset to {0} members. It's recommended that you load {1} members or less and then apply the changeset. Click Yes to apply the changeset to {0} members. Click No to cancel the changeset operation.
You have chosen to resolve conflicts automatically. Conflict resolutions can be viewed or changed after the synchronization ...
You have chosen to resolve conflicts interactively. For each conflict on articles that allow interactive resolution, you ...
You have created {0:#,0} perspectives, and you cannot create another perspective. To create more perspectives, you must delete ...
You have finished the knowledge discovery activity. Would you like to publish the Knowledge Base with the latest changes? ...
You have loaded {0} members into the worksheet. It might take a long time to apply a changeset to {0} members. It's recommended ...
You have loaded {0} members into the worksheet. It might take a long time to delete {0} members. It's recommended that you ...
You have loaded {0} members into the worksheet. It might take a long time to match {0} members. It's recommended that you ...
You have loaded {0} members into the worksheet. It might take a long time to refresh the MDS data. It's recommended that ...
You have made changes to the topology and are trying to refresh. This will cause all modifications to be lost. Are you sure ...