Number of reports that failed during processing due to problems like not enough disk space, memory etc. Failed reports are retried later.
Note: When the deployment package contains all required software updates, select the "Download software updates from the ...
Note: You can use the same alternate path to install multiple sites. Always verify that the alternate path contains the most ...
Number of corrupt .SVF files received by SMS_STATUS_MANAGER via the Status Manager inbox since SMS_STATUS_MANAGER was last ...
Number of events that were rejected by MP as invalid due to issues like an invalid argument. Rejected events are ignored. ...
Number of reports that failed during processing due to problems like not enough disk space, memory etc. Failed reports are ...
Number of reports that were rejected by MP as invalid due to invalid arguments and such. Rejected reports are tossed away ...
Number of status message files generated. As more than one message per file is possible, this is typically different from ...
Number of status messages replicated at high priority by SMS_STATUS_MANAGER to the parent site since SMS_STATUS_MANAGER was ...
Number of status messages replicated at low priority by SMS_STATUS_MANAGER to the parent site since SMS_STATUS_MANAGER was ...