%11There was an error while writing schedule information to the database for the site "%1". The error returned was "%2".%12%0
There was an error in copying files from the site server to the software metering server "%1" because the software metering ...
There was an error in copying files from the site server to the software metering server "%1" because the software metering ...
There was an error removing the information about this site's parent from the database. The error returned was "%1".%12%0 ...
There was an error while reading the database when the application was trying to establish the type of link to the parent ...
There was an error while writing schedule information to the database for the site "%1". The error returned was "%2".%12%0 ...
These are currently the only ConfigMgr Client Push Installation accounts for the site. If you remove these ConfigMgr Client ...
These export options are used for copying, saving to file and printing status messages displayed in the currently active ...
These settings affect all client activities that use BITS, including downloading ConfigMgr client policy and downloading ...
These settings will be used initially on all clients. You can specify whether users of the client can change these settings. ...