Oval Callout Draws an oval callout where you click or drag in the active window. To draw an oval callout that retains its default height-to-width ratio, hold down SHIFT and drag. To add text to a callout, click the callout, and then type.
Other people may not have the latest version of Office. If you plan to share this file you should use this recommended format. ...
Other people may not have the latest version of Office. If you plan to share this file you should use this recommended format. ...
Outline (View menu) Switches to outline view, where you can examine and work with the structure of your file in classic outline ...
Outline symbols cannot be displayed because there is no outline on the active worksheet. Open the file in Exclusive mode ...
Oval Callout Draws an oval callout where you click or drag in the active window. To draw an oval callout that retains its ...
Overtype mode Replaces existing text as you type, one character at a time. You can also click OVR on the status bar to turn ...
Page Break Inserts a page break above a selected cell. This command changes to Remove Page Break if you have a cell selected ...
Page Break Preview Switches the active sheet to page break preview, which is an editing view that displays your sheet with ...
Page Setup (File menu) Sets margins, paper source, paper size, page orientation, and other layout options for the active ...