Usage: xwizard RunPropertySheet [/u] [/c>] [/f>] [/p] [/z [>] ] where: /u = unattended (log errors instead of showing them) /c = context flags /f = user defined flags /p = parent host GUID identifier ({ }) GUID = Property sheet component GUID identifier ({ }) /z = user command line (should always be last, rest of line) examples: xwizard RunPropertySheet {7071ECA0-663B-4bc1-A1FA-B97F3B917C55} xwizard RunPropertySheet /c1 /f3 {7071ECA0-663B-4bc1-A1FA-B97F3B917C55} /z/myoption1 /myoption2
Usage: WDSMCAST is a command line utility that you can use to connect a client computer to a namespace or multicast transmission ...
Usage: WinAppDeployCmd command -option . WinAppDeployCmd devices WinAppDeployCmd devices WinAppDeployCmd install -file -ip ...
Usage: xwizard ProcessXMLFile /u /m where: /u = unattended (log parsing errors instead of showing them) /m = additionally ...
Usage: xwizard ProcessXMLFile /u /m xwizard RunWizard /u /t /c /f /p /z xwizard RunPropertySheet /u /c /f /p /z where: /c ...
Usage: xwizard RunPropertySheet /u /c /f /p /z where: /u = unattended (log errors instead of showing them) /c = context flags ...
Usage: xwizard RunWizard /u /t /c /f /p /z where: /u = unattended (log errors instead of showing them) /t = optional wizard ...
Usage: {0} parameters Parameters: Target schema: /targetServer server[:port /targetUserName domain\userName (default: NULL) ...
Usage:%1!s! Remarks: This command shows the wired interfaces configured on the system. There are no parameters for this command. ...
USB Selective Suspend allows the hub driver to suspend an individual port without affecting the operation of the other ports ...