EXPLANATION You specified the minutes in a format that could not be recognized. Typing the minutes is optional, but if included, the format must be :00 (a colon and two zeros). ACTION Retype the command, either omitting the minutes or using the correct format (:00).
EXPLANATION You specified an illegal range of days. You must also type a hyphen between the first and last days of each range. ...
EXPLANATION You specified an unknown group name. ACTION Check the spelling of the group name. To display a list of the groups ...
EXPLANATION You specified an unknown user name. ACTION Check the spelling of the user name. To display a list of the users ...
EXPLANATION You specified invalid values for one or more of the service's options. ACTION Retype the command with correct ...
EXPLANATION You specified the minutes in a format that could not be recognized. Typing the minutes is optional, but if included, ...
EXPLANATION You specified too many values for the listed option. ACTION Retype the command with the correct number of values. ...
EXPLANATION You tried to access the permissions for a resource that has no permissions assigned to it. ACTION Check the spelling ...
EXPLANATION You tried to add a message alias that already exists on this computer. ACTION Use a different name if you want ...
EXPLANATION You tried to create a group with a group name that already exists. ACTION Use a different group name for the ...