Start a mail merge to create a form letter which you intend to print or e-mail multiple times, sending each copy to a different recipient. You can insert fields, such as Name or Address, which Word will replace automatically with information from a database or contact list for each copy of the form letter.
Standard Information:%1 User with PWA Resource GUID '%2' with anActive Directory GUID of '%3' has a duplicate Windows Account ...
Standard Information:%1 While sychronizing an Active Directory Group. A circular dependancy was detected. The nested group ...
Standard Information:%1 You must select a path under which this site will be created and specify the name of the site to ...
Start a full-screen slide show in which you can rehearse your presentation. The amount of time you spend on each slide is ...
Start a mail merge to create a form letter which you intend to print or e-mail multiple times, sending each copy to a different ...
Start a new design set? A set of designs named '%s' is currently open in the Design Gallery. You cannot add objects to '%s'. ...
Start a timer to keep track of how long something takes. For example, you could time business meetings in order to bill for ...
Start acting on behalf of the selected user. This allows you to do work as the selected user, such as submitting the user's ...
Starting a workflow requires a copy of the document be saved in the related document library. This copy will be used within ...