Conversion from pointer-to-member of derived class to pointer-to-member of base class requires an explicit cast (other than const_cast)
Controls in this category are unavailable for the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile. To change this setting, in the Project ...
Controls in this category are unavailable for the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile. To change this setting, open the Project ...
Controls in this category may not be used in a Web site based on Windows SharePoint Services. Instead, insert Web Parts from ...
ControlTemplate must be associated with a Control by setting the Control.Template property before it is used to template ...
Conversion from pointer-to-member of derived class to pointer-to-member of base class requires an explicit cast (other than ...
Conversion is a valid standard conversion, which can be performed implicitly or by use of static_cast, C-style cast or function-style ...
Conversion of the source control binding for one of the projects could not be completed. It is possible that a source control ...
Conversion requires a constructor or user-defined-conversion operator, which can't be used by const_cast or reinterpret_cast ...
Convert text to a SmartArt graphic to visually communicate information. SmartArt graphics range from graphical lists and ...