%1 (%2) %3An attempt to write to the file "%4" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed after %10 seconds with system error %8: "%9". The write operation will fail with error %7. If this error persists then the file may be damaged and may need to be restored from a previous backup. For more information, click http://www.microsoft.com/contentredirect.asp.
An attempt to prepare the storage group '%1' for backup failed because the storage group is already in the process of being ...
An attempt to read from the file "%4" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed after %10 seconds with system error %8: "%9". The ...
An attempt to remove the folder "%4" failed with system error %6: "%7". The remove folder operation will fail with error ...
An attempt to write an invalid event history watermark has been detected. Database: '%1'. Consumer: '%2'. Mailbox: '%3'. ...
An attempt to write to the file "%4" at offset %5 for %6 bytes failed after %10 seconds with system error %8: "%9". The write ...
An attempt was made to save an appointment with the subject "%1" to mailbox %2. The duration of the appointment was too large, ...
An authentication credential initialization error %1 occurred with Send connector %2. The authentication mechanism used was ...
An error (%1) occurred attempting to retrieve usage information (%2) of a database engine resource ("%3") for storage group ...
An error caused by reading the SystemMessage configuration from the directory indicates that generation of delivery status ...