Subscribe Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a Subscribe request.
Strong authentication policy for a relying party. A policy is for a set of relying parties. A policy consists of a set of ...
Submitted Tenant for TPS Initialization. Now exiting full sync processing. Organization '%1' service instance '%2' Stream ...
Subnet '{0}' can't be set because it conflicts with existing subnet '{1}'. When setting subnets, the subnet must exactly ...
Subnet '{0}' isn't present in the database availability group. It will be added to the database availability group's networks, ...
Subscribe Average Response Time is the average elapsed time (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of a Subscribe ...
Subscribe Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the Subscribe web method since the service was ...
Subscriber Authentication Failures is the number of authentication failures that have occurred since the service was started. ...
Subscriber Logon Failures is the number of logon failures since the service was started. This number is incremented at most ...
SubscribeToConversationChanges Requests is the total number of requests for the SubscribeToConversationChanges Web method. ...