The StartService method attempts to place the service into its startup state. It returns one of the following integer values: ...

The StartService method attempts to place the service into its startup state. It returns one of the following integer values: 0 - The request was accepted. 1 - The request is not supported. 2 - The user did not have the necessary access. 3 - The service cannot be stopped because other services that are running are dependent on it. 4 - The requested control code is not valid, or it is unacceptable to the service. 5 - The requested control code cannot be sent to the service because the state of the service (Win32_BaseService:State) is equal to 0, 1, or 2. 6 - The service has not been started. 7 - The service did not respond to the start request in a timely fashion. 8 - Unknown failure when starting the service. 9 - The directory path to the service executable was not found. 10 - The service is already running. 11 - The database to add a new service is locked. 12 - A dependency for which this service relies on has been removed from the system. 13 - The service failed to find the service needed from a dependent service. 14 - The service has been disabled from the system. 15 - The service does not have the correct authentication to run on the system. 16 - This service is being removed from the system. 17 - There is no execution thread for the service. 18 - There are circular dependencies when starting the service. 19 - There is a service running under the same name. 20 - There are invalid characters in the name of the service. 21 - Invalid parameters have been passed to the service. 22 - The account which this service is to run under is either invalid or lacks the permissions to run the service. 23 - The service exists in the database of services available from the system. 24 - The service is currently paused in the system.