Usage: show consec [rule name=[profile=public|private|domain|active|any[,...]] ] [verbose] Remarks: - Displays the Connection Security configuration for all available network profiles - The [profile=] command enables the administrator to filter the output to specific profiles on the system or to only return results from Active or Inactive profiles - The [rule] command allows the administrator to scope the rule output to certain rule names and status to scope the output - The Verbose command adds support for displaying detailed security and advanced rule 'source name' information Examples: Display the current connection security state: netsh advfirewall monitor show consec Display the current connection security information for public profie: netsh advfirewall monitor show consec rule name=all profile=public
Usage: SETFLAG DRIVE HOTSPARE={TRUE | FALSE} Sets the specified flag to the specified value for the currently selected drive. ...
Usage: show allprofiles parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or off. ...
Usage: show appid file = Parameters: Tag Value file - Specifies the DOS path for the application. Remarks: Displays the application ...
Usage: show boottimepolicy file = | - Parameters: Tag Value file - Output file name. The default is 'btpol.xml'. If this ...
Usage: show consec rule name= profile=public|private|domain|active|any[,. verbose Remarks: - Displays the Connection Security ...
Usage: show currentprofile parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or ...
Usage: show currentprofile Remarks: - This command shows the network connections associated with currently active profiles. ...
Usage: show domainprofile parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or ...
Usage: show filters file = | - protocol = localaddr = remoteaddr = localport = remoteport = appid = userid = dir = IN | OUT ...