MSMQT failed to accept an incoming authenticated message into the queue %1, because Active Directory integration ia not installed.
Missing parameters; specify parameter ASSEMBLY="pathname" or parameters NAME="assembly-name", VERSION="assembly-version", ...
Missing parameters; specify parameter ASSEMBLY="pathname" or parameters NAME="assembly-name", VERSION="assembly-version", ...
More than one source-info is specified for non-partitioned data-source '%0'. A non-partitioned data source may only have ...
Most likely your URL got corrupted. Please navigate to the Tracking Options View using Navigation Control at the top of this ...
MSMQT failed to accept an incoming authenticated message into the queue %1, because Active Directory integration ia not installed. ...
Name of the BizTalk application in which to create receive locations. If not specified, the default BizTalk application is ...
Name of the BizTalk assembly for which to export the binding file. If you specify inputs for Name, Version, Culture, and ...
Name of the master subscription SQL database. This property is required for instance creation. Max length for this property ...
Name of the MessageBox database. This property is required for instance creation. Max length for this property is 100 characters. ...