Orchestration enlistment failed due to an error in loading the corresponding .NET assembly. .NET assembly "%1" could not be loaded. Make sure this .NET assembly and any other .NET assemblies it references have been installed into the global assembly cache (GAC) on this machine (by running Gacutil.exe).
Optionally, you can specify a CAB file that contains the required redistributable software. You can download this cab file ...
Orchestration "{0}" cannot be bound to host "{1}" which is of a higher trust level than this orchestration was designed to ...
Orchestration "{0}" was bound to host "{1}" which is of a higher trust level than this orchestration was designed to run ...
Orchestration "{0}" was bound to host "{1}" which was of a lower trust level than this orchestration was designed to run ...
Orchestration enlistment failed due to an error in loading the corresponding .NET assembly. .NET assembly "%1" could not ...
Out of disk space - Volume: 2]; required space: 3 KB; available space: 4 KB. If rollback is disabled, enough space is available. ...
OutboundTransportLocation" property contains the URI of the send port through which the message will be sent. This property ...
OutboundTransportLocation" property contains the URI of the send port through which the message will be sent. This property ...
OutboundTransportType" specifies the type of the transport that will be used to send this message. This property is set by ...