{0} {1} -{2}:-{3}: [ -{4}: ] [ -{5}: ] [ -{6}: ] [ -{7}: ] Migrates the BAM infrastructure between different versions of Microsoft SQL Server. Use this command after you upgrade your database server and analysis server. The supported migration paths are as follows: SQL Server 2000 (sql2000) to SQL Server 2005 (sql2005) SQL Server 2000 (sql2000) to SQL Server 2008 (sql2008) SQL Server 2005 (sql2005) to SQL Server 2008 (sql2008) {4} and {5} are only required if BAM alerts are configured. Only {4} can be specified on the command line, in which case {0} will output password prompt and read the password from the console. - EXAMPLES - {8}
Microsoft Update offers security and important updates for Windows and other Microsoft products, including ProductName]. ...
Microsoft Update offers security and important updates for Windows and other Microsoft software, including Microsoft BizTalk ...
Microsoft.RuleEngine.TypedXmlDocument' indicates an XML document binding. To specify a field binding, select a .NET type ...
Migrate the tables */ DECLARE @tableChangeSql NVARCHAR(4000) - 1. Migrate Active instance table - Drop the trigger DROP TRIGGER ...
Migrates the BAM infrastructure between different versions of Microsoft SQL Server. Use this command after you upgrade your ...
Minimum Occurrences of the underlying group content of this Node. Its value should always be less than or equal to Group ...
Minimum occurrences of this node. Its value should always be less than or equal to MaxOccurs for this node. Default value ...
Most likely your URL got corrupted. Please navigate to the Tracking Options View using Navigation Control at the top of this ...
MSMQT failed to accept an incoming authenticated message into the queue %1, because Active Directory integration ia not installed. ...