Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to the local domain controller. This domain controller will now perform a synchronization for the first time from the following source domain controller with these options. Directory partition: %1 Source domain controller: %2 Options: 0x%3
Internal event: A GUID was added to the ncName attribute on a crossRef object. CrossRef object: %1 Partition name: %2 GUID: ...
Internal event: A long-running Active Directory inbound replication task has finished with the following parameters. Elapsed ...
Internal event: A MAPI client requested the creation of an Address Book table that was too large to be supported. As a result, ...
Internal event: A new database column was created for the following new attribute. Database column: %1 Attribute identifier: ...
Internal event: A new replica for the following directory partition has been added to the local domain controller. This domain ...
Internal event: A partition head has changed its SUBREF status. Its partition membership has been adjusted. Object: %1 Old ...
Internal event: A privileged operation (rights required = 1) on object %2 failed because a non-security related error occurred. ...
Internal event: A request was made to add a value to an attribute. Object: %1 Attribute: %2 Attribute value: %3 Deletion ...
Internal Event: A request was made to apply a new value to an object. The value exists on the system, but it is marked as ...