Project item '{0}' was added to the current project but could not be associated with My Namespace extension '{1}'. It will not be removed with the extension.
Project data is unavailable at this time. As a result, all reports on this dashboard have been hidden. After you have created ...
Project does not support paths relative to the root application directory. Remove the leading '/' qualifier from the '{0}' ...
Project file '%s' contains an aggregated project type that cannot be found. The project cannot be opened without the project ...
Project file could not be backed up to '%s'. Please make sure this file does not already exist and that it is not write-protected. ...
Project item '{0}' was added to the current project but could not be associated with My Namespace extension '{1}'. It will ...
Project log '%s' has a share (from another project) record for item '%s', but that item wasn't found in the current project. ...
Project name '{0}' already exists on the server. The team project name must be unique on all Team Foundation servers used ...
Project names cannot be empty strings nor can they contain only '.' or have any of the following characters: / ? : \ " < ...
Project names cannot be empty strings nor can they contain only '.' or have any of the following characters: ; \ / ? : @ ...