An unexpected exception occurred during scheduled approval of a file in site '%1'. Attempts will be made to continue scheduled approval of remaining files in the site.
An unexpected error occurred.}The selected database does not support the decimal or double data type. These data types are ...
An unexpected error prevented access to this file. Use a disk error checking program to check the disk, and then try using ...
An unexpected error was encountered while inserting or editing an image. Save your changes by closing the editor, and then ...
An unexpected error was encountered while trying to connect to {0}. The error is "{1}". The site might be unavailable or ...
An unexpected exception occurred during scheduled approval of a file in site '%1'. Attempts will be made to continue scheduled ...
An unexpected exception occurred during scheduled unpublish of a file in site '%1'. Attempts will be made to continue scheduled ...
An unexpected exception occurred while retrieving a list in Web '{0}' with Guid '{1}'. Scheduling of deployed items in that ...
An unexpected exception occurred while retrieving a web with Guid '{0}'. Scheduling of deployed items in that web has been ...
An unexpected exception occurred while retrieving item '{0}' from list '{1}' in web '{2}'. Scheduling of this deployed item ...