{Team members have submitted ^1 new updates to the plan.}Would you like to close this project and apply these updates to the plan?
TDelegeeName} tried to delegate this task but the delegation was rejected by {TDelegatorName} on {WDELEG_DATE} {WDELEG_TIME}. ...
TDelegeeName} tried to delegate this task but the delegation was rejected by {TDelegatorName} on {WDELEG_DATE} {WDELEG_TIME}. ...
Team Details are optional and are used to define team membership and the team resource that represents a team. Before you ...
Team members have submitted ^1 new update to the plan.}Would you like to review these updates now and apply them to the plan? ...
Team members have submitted ^1 new updates to the plan.}Would you like to close this project and apply these updates to the ...
Team members have updated status in Project Web App. ^1 updates were pending your approval, as of when you last opened this ...
Tell customers about your company or organization. Include a brief description of your employees, the products or services ...
Tell us what you think about our web site, our products, our organization, or anything else that comes to mind. We welcome ...
Tell visitors about your company's history, including location, ownership, personal experiences, and other information that ...