The replsummary operation quickly and concisely summarizes the replication state and relative health of a forest. [SYNTAX] /replsummary [DSA_LIST] /bysrc /bydest /errorsonly [/sort:{ delta | partners | failures | error | percent | unresponsive }] delta: sort results list by time since last successful replication for each respective DC partners: sort results list by the # of replication partners for each respective DC failures: sort results list by the # of partner replication failures for each respective DC error: sort results list by the last replication result (ie, error code) for each respective DC percent: sort results list by the partner replication failure percentage (failures/total * 100) for each respective DC unresponsive: group results list into responsive and unresponsive DC. [EXAMPLES] The following command will target all DC's in the forest to retrieve summary replication status from each, listing the output by source then destination and ordering by the largest time difference. repadmin /replsum * /bysrc /bydest /sort:delta
The replication credentials are not valid or are insufficient. Type the credentials of an account that has replication permissions ...
The replication engine used when the backup was created was '%1'. Stop this replication engine service on other Active Directory ...
The replication topology update task failed to change its thread priority. The error message is: %1 The update task will ...
The replication update could not be applied because either the source or the destination has not yet received information ...
The replsummary operation quickly and concisely summarizes the replication state and relative health of a forest. SYNTAX ...
The report history will be deleted from Action Center and your archived messages. You might not be notified if a solution ...
The ReportSetMarks property specifies whether setmark reporting is enabled. Setmark reporting makes use of a specialized ...
The repository '{0}' was not removed because no repository was found with that name. Please run Get-PSRepository and ensure ...
The repository could not be registered because there exists a registered repository with Name '{0}' and SourceLocation '{1}'. ...