You are signed as {0}. If this was not the account you intended to use, please sign out and sign in again using the intended account.
You are changing to a tier that includes fewer free credits for the associated Notification Hub. This might affect your bill. ...
You are now changing the Audit logs table name pattern. Retention will apply only to tables with the new pattern. Tables ...
You are seeing this message because we cannot determine if your account must comply with the requirements of the Federal ...
You are signed as {0} in the directory {1} ('{2}'). If this was not the account you intended to use, please sign out and ...
You are signed as {0}. If this was not the account you intended to use, please sign out and sign in again using the intended ...
You are still in the process of being approved for the preview program. Once approved, you will be able to access the functionality. ...
You can add Basic and Advanced licenses up to the limits below. For additional licenses, contact {id}|Microsoft Support|{url}|_blank]. ...
You can add endpoints only in Basic or Standard mode. {learnAboutMonitoringEndpointsId}|Learn more about configuring endpoint ...
You can add endpoints only in Reserved mode. {learnAboutMonitoringEndpointsId}|Learn more about configuring endpoint mon ...