A project that contains unit tests that can be used to test Windows apps, Windows Runtime components, or class libraries for Windows apps.
A project item with the following name already exists: {0}. Please give a unique name to the project item you are adding, ...
A project or solution you are trying to bind contains items that are in the same folders as projects that are currently under ...
A project output assembly refers to the unrecognized project file '{0}'. The path may be incorrect or the project may not ...
A project template will allow a user to create a new project based on your exported project. A user will be able to utilize ...
A project that contains unit tests that can be used to test Windows apps, Windows Runtime components, or class libraries ...
A project that contains unit tests that can be used to test Windows Store apps, Windows Runtime components, or class libraries ...
A project with an Output Type of Class Library cannot be started directly. In order to debug this project, add an executable ...
A project with the specified name already exists on disk. Do you want to overwrite the existing project with this new project? ...
A property named '{1}' was found in the project file '{0}'. This property normally should not be specified in the project ...