WARNING: This is a placeholder for the panels designated by IDD_PANEL_XXXX. Control ID conflicts must be resolved across ALL panels and this dialog. Shortcut conflicts must be resolved between the dialog and EACH panel (conflicts OK between panels).
Wake On LAN allows this site to send wake-up packets to computers that require software updates, software distributions, ...
Warning: The certificate associated with this media will expire in %1!u! hour(s) and %1!u! minute(s). A valid certificate ...
Warning: The following are local paths that may not be accessible to application components running on another machine: %1!s! ...
Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution ...
WARNING: This is a placeholder for the panels designated by IDD_PANEL_XXXX. Control ID conflicts must be resolved across ...
When a software update deployment is enforced on clients at the configured deadline (mandatory deployment), you can specify ...
When a system restart is required for a software update installation to complete, clients will be prevented from restarting ...
When a template is used to create a deployment, the deadline setting in the deployment defaults to the time an update is ...
When set this value specifies the property name that will be used to select the scope node during a user double-click operation. ...