manage-bde[.exe] -parameter [arguments] Description: Configures BitLocker Drive Encryption on disk volumes. Parameter List: -status Provides information about BitLocker-capable volumes. -on Encrypts the volume and turns BitLocker protection on. -off Decrypts the volume and turns BitLocker protection off. -pause Pauses encryption or decryption. -resume Resumes encryption or decryption. -lock Prevents access to BitLocker-encrypted data. -unlock Allows access to BitLocker-encrypted data. -autounlock Manages automatic unlocking of data volumes. -protectors Manages protection methods for the encryption key. -tpm Configures the computer's Trusted Platform Module (TPM). -SetIdentifier or -si Configures the identification field for a volume. -ForceRecovery or -fr Forces a BitLocker-protected OS to recover on restarts. -changepassword Modifies password for a data volume. -changepin Modifies PIN for a volume. -changekey Modifies startup key for a volume. -upgrade Upgrades the BitLocker version. -ComputerName or -cn Runs on another computer. Examples: "ComputerX", "" -? or /? Displays brief help. Example: "-ParameterSet -?" -Help or -h Displays complete help. Example: "-ParameterSet -h" Examples: manage-bde -status manage-bde -on C: -RecoveryPassword -RecoveryKey F:\ manage-bde -unlock E: -RecoveryKey F:\84E151C1...7A62067A512.bek
manage-bde -upgrade Volume {-ComputerName|-cn} ComputerName {-?|/?} {-Help|-h} Description: Upgrades the BitLocker version. ...
manage-bde {-changekey} Volume PathToExternalKeyDirectory {-ComputerName|-cn} ComputerName {-?|/?} {-Help|-h} Description: ...
manage-bde {-forcerecovery|-fr} Volume {-ComputerName|-cn} ComputerName {-?|/?} {-Help|-h} Description: Forces a BitLocker-protected ...
manage-bde {-SetIdentifier|-si} Volume {-ComputerName|-cn} ComputerName {-?|/?} {-Help|-h} Description: Set the volume identifier ...
manage-bde[.exe -parameter arguments Description: Configures BitLocker Drive Encryption on disk volumes. Parameter List: ...
ManagedElement is an abstract class that provides a common superclass (or top of the inheritance tree) for the non-association ...
managedPipelineMode Configures ASP.NET to run in Classic Mode as an ISAPI extension, or in Integrated Mode where managed ...
managedRuntimeVersion Configures the application pool to load a specific version of the .NET Framework. Selecting "No Managed ...
Management Rules specifying Equal Per Process or Equal Per User can only be applied for allocations that are not suballocated. ...