Volume %1!s! has only %2!d!%% free space available for use by Disk Defragmenter. To run effectively, Disk Defragmenter requires at least %3!d!%% usable free space. There is not enough disk space to properly complete the operation. Delete some unneeded files on your hard disk, and then try again.
Volume %1!s! has %2!d!% free space, but <1% is available for use by Disk Defragmenter (due to reserved system space). To ...
Volume %1!s! has %2!d!% free space, but only %3!d!% is available for use by Disk Defragmenter (due to reserved system space). ...
Volume %1!s! has <1% free space available for use by Disk Defragmenter. To run effectively, Disk Defragmenter requires at ...
Volume %1!s! has a 12-bit FAT partition. Disk Defragmenter does not support 12-bit FAT partitions. To use Disk Defragmenter, ...
Volume %1!s! has only %2!d!% free space available for use by Disk Defragmenter. To run effectively, Disk Defragmenter requires ...
Volume information for this disk cannot be found. This may happen if the disk is a 1394 or a USB device on a Windows 2000 ...
Volume shadow copy creation has continued to report errors after trying %d times. The backup will continue, but the data ...
Volume shadow copy creation has encountered one or more errors. The backup will continue, but the data for these components ...
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: A component was added to the backup document that does not exist in any writer's metadata. ...