Make sure the number of physical network adapters on the computer is greater than or equal to the number of adapters that need to be configured, and make sure that the machine configuration was not changed since the job was created.
Make sure that the value of VMNetworkServiceSetting contains matching service setting delimiters '@' and refers to exactly ...
Make sure the assignment scope to be assigned to the baseline is not already assigned to the baseline and retry the operation. ...
Make sure the Consistent Device Name and the MAC address are correct, or specify only one of them, then try the operation ...
Make sure the name of service setting has no leading or trailing spaces or periods, and has a length less than 256 characters. ...
Make sure the number of physical network adapters on the computer is greater than or equal to the number of adapters that ...
Make sure the updated reserved virtual IP address range contains all currently allocated virtual IP addresses, or release ...
Make sure the virtual IP (VIP) address range does not contain a default gateway or a reserved IP address and then try again. ...
Make sure there is sufficient disk space on the disk that has the remote installation folder on the PXE server (%ServerName;), ...
Manually grant permissions of the host account to the ISO file, or detach the ISO from the VM and then try the operation ...